11800 Gallia Pike

Wheelersburg, OH 45694

(740) 529-0583

Office Hours Vary info@westernsun.org

History of Western Sun Masonic Lodge No. 91

The original name of our town was Concord and when the State of Ohio was mapping the State there could only be one Concord. The name was changed to Wheelersburg in 1830 in honor of Major Wheeler, a noted Indian fighter and hero of the war of 1812.

Worshipful Brother George Flanders served for sixteen years as the longest serving Master of Western Sun Lodge.

Worshipful Brother James H. Jarvis served for twenty two years as the longest serving Secretary of Western Sun Lodge.

Lodge timeline


Charter was granted

In 1827 a Charter was granted by Grand Lodge of Ohio for the town of Concord in Scioto County, to be called Western Sun Lodge. The Lodge operated thru 1832. From 1833 until 1847, our Lodge seemed to have been inactive.

May 15, 1847
May 15, 1847

Dispensation granted

Dispensation granted by Grand Master May 15, 1847.

September 29, 1847
September 29, 1847

Charter granted

Charter granted by Grand Lodge September 29, 1847. Assigned No 91; name, Western Sun Lodge.

August 23, 1859
August 23, 1859

Proxy issued by Grand Master

Proxy issued by Grand Master, to W.M. George W. Flanders to lay cornerstone of new hall, August 23, 1859.

April 15, 1863
April 15, 1863

Lodge destroyed by fire

Grand master received information on April 15, 1863, that Hall and all lodge property had been destroyed by fire, and issued warrant to the W.M. to continue work.

November 30, 1867
November 30, 1867

Lodge destroyed by fire

Second fire November 30, 1867, destroyed all property

December 6, 1867
December 6, 1867

Dispensation to continue work

December 6, 1867, a dispensation to continue work was granted by Grand Master.

October 1868
October 1868

Duplicate charter was granted

At October session of Grand Lodge in 1868, a duplicate charter was granted.

May 1, 1922
May 1, 1922

Lodge destroyed by fire

Third fire occurred May 1, 1922, resulting in a total loss of all property.

May 8, 1922
May 8, 1922

Dispensation to continue work

On May 8, 1922, a dispensation to continue work was issued by the Grand Master.

October 1922
October 1922

duplicate charter granted

A duplicate charter was granted by the Grand Lodge at October session, 1922.

November 12, 1923
November 12, 1923

Cornerstone laid

Cornerstone laid November 12, 1923.

August 27, 1994
August 27, 1994

Dedication of elevator

August 27, 1994 dedication of elevator with Grand Master H. Ray Evans on hand for the program and was the speaker for our Friendship Night. The elevator was a Dream Come True for our lodge.